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Elgin marbles in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2024-07-15Updated:2024-07-15
Similar words: marblesvirgin marymarblemarbledmain markthin marketmarblingwarbleMeaning: n. a collection of classical Greek marble sculptures and fragments of architecture created by Phidias; chiefly from the Parthenon in Athens. 
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1 The Elgin Marbles receive their name from the British lord who craftily spirited them away from Greece.
2 The British helped themselves to the Elgin Marbles, taken from the Acropolis.
3 I'd do the Elgin Marbles with a sledgehammer and wipe my ass with the Mona Lira.
4 Some objects in the collection, most notably the Elgin Marbles from the Parthenon, are the objects of intense controversy and of calls for restitution to their countries of origin.
5 I remained as still and quiet as the Elgin marbles, and just as misplaced.
6 Never mind that Prime Ministers do not actually own the Elgin marbles.
7 Amongst its more notable acquisitions were the Rosetta Stone and the infamous Elgin Marbles.
8 Of course, the Bodleian Library claims that those manuscripts were bought legitimately,( just like the Elgin Marbles in the British Museum.
9 A new museum is opening in the Greek capital Athens with a special gallery in it for the Elgin Marbles, Greek sculptures that have been held in the British Museum in London for nearly 200 years.
10 A museum has opened in Athens with a special gallery for the Elgin Marbles, Greek sculptures which have been in the British Museum in London for nearly 200 years and are still there.
11 Auctioned in Paris last month as part of the collection of the late Yves Saint Laurent, the bronzes have become China's Elgin Marbles.
12 The Greek authorities hope the opening of the Acropolis Museum will strengthen their case for the Elgin Marbles to be returned to the place from which they were carved 25 centuries ago.
13 Liapis said Monday it is time for all Greek political leaders to increase pressure on Britain to hand over the ancient sculptures, also known as the Elgin Marbles.
More similar words: marblesvirgin marymarblemarbledmain markthin marketmarblingwarblegarblewarblergarbledon marginbelgiumbelgianmel gibsoncontribution marginunmarketableunmarriageableinmatemainmaststeinmanblessed virginrainmakerchain mailmuffin manrainmakingmountain manalgingarblingmain material
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